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2019 Board Elections

We are excited that you are interested in serving as a member of the KCTD Board. Here are a few things to consider before running for office: You must have served on at least one Tres Dias weekend. We have monthly meetings. We meet once a month at 6:30 on Friday in Prairie Village. We

By |2019-07-30T17:08:53+00:00July 30th, 2019|News/Events, Team Members|Comments Off on 2019 Board Elections

KCTD #14 Men’s Victory Letter

Dear Kansas City Tres Dias Community, KCTD #14 Men’s Weekend dates are behind us but the effects of what God did on the weekend will live on! I am so grateful that God uses each one of us to accomplish His works.  I continue to see God move more in Tres Dias than any other

By |2018-10-25T05:29:04+00:00October 25th, 2018|Servant Leadership, Team Members|Comments Off on KCTD #14 Men’s Victory Letter

KCTD #15 Women’s Rector Letter

My name is Tiffany Chapman, I attended Saint Louis Tres Dias #19 where I sat at the table of Rebekah.  My husband Merv and I attend Journey Church in Liberty, Missouri and it is an honor to serve as the women’s Rector for Kansas City Tres Dias #15. We are blessed to have 3 children

By |2018-10-12T18:07:57+00:00October 12th, 2018|Servant Leadership, Spirituality, Team Members|4 Comments

KCTD #14 Women’s Victory Letter

Dear KCTD Community, The Kansas City Tres Dias #14 Women’s Weekend was PHENOMONAL!  As I write this letter, my heart is filled with gratitude and thanksgiving to God for revealing His glory to us, through us and among us in various ways. I sense the Father’s love and pleasure over the Weekend as He is

By |2018-10-11T16:51:35+00:00October 11th, 2018|News/Events, Servant Leadership, Spirituality, Team Members|Comments Off on KCTD #14 Women’s Victory Letter

KCTD #15 Men’s Rector Letter

Hello Kansas City Tres Dias community! My name is Kenny Keeler and I attended KCTD #3 where I sat at the table of John. It is with much fear and trembling that I prepare to be the Rector for the KCTD#15 My beautiful wife Tami and I with our two teenagers Kasen and Katelyn attend

By |2018-10-10T14:49:32+00:00October 10th, 2018|Spirituality, Team Members|Comments Off on KCTD #15 Men’s Rector Letter

KCTD #13 Women’s Victory Letter

KCTD Community, There is nothing that I would have changed on the KCTD #13 women’s weekend. Not only did we have our largest women’s team ever, a full prayer wheel months before the weekend and double the typical amount of men show up to support us – the Holy Spirit showed up! That is an

By |2018-04-10T04:25:23+00:00April 10th, 2018|Guest Blogger, Servant Leadership, Team Members|Comments Off on KCTD #13 Women’s Victory Letter

KCTD #13 Men’s Rector Victory Letter

Dear Tres Dias Community, I am eternally grateful for all of you men and women who chose to invest your time to attend, serve in, pray up, and support our recent Men’s KCTD #13, “Soul on Fire!” It has been my extreme pleasure to serve you as the Rector for the Men’s Weekend #13! It

By |2018-04-05T19:44:10+00:00April 5th, 2018|Guest Blogger, Team Members|Comments Off on KCTD #13 Men’s Rector Victory Letter

Soul on Fire – KCTD #13 Men’s Weekend

Dear Kansas City Tres Dias Community, Fire is associated with the Holy Spirit. When Jesus’s disciples were praying in the Upper Room in Jerusalem after Jesus’s ascension, they received the gift of the Holy Spirit that looked like tongues of fire over their heads. This “fire” rested on them, and it transformed their lives forever.

By |2017-12-01T21:55:18+00:00December 1st, 2017|News/Events, Team Members|1 Comment

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