The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Community and, subject to the provisions of these Bylaws, shall have general supervision of the activities and affairs of the Community and shall have general and active control thereof.  The President shall preside when present at meetings of the Board of Directors.  The President shall have general authority to execute bonds, deeds and contracts in the name of the Community and to affix the corporate seal thereto; to cause the employment or appointment of such employees and agents of the Community as the proper conduct of operations may require and to fix their compensation; to remove or suspend any employee or agent; and in general to exercise all the powers usually appertaining to the office of President of a corporation, except as otherwise provided by statute, the Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws.  The President shall chair the delegation to the National Assembly.  In the absence or disability of the President, the duties of such office shall be performed and the powers may be exercised by the Vice President, unless otherwise determined by the President or the Board of Directors.

The President may not appoint his/her spouse or any member of his/her immediate family to any office or committee of the Community.  The President shall not, without the unanimous consent of the Board of Directors, hire any member of his family for any position paid for by the Community.  The President shall remember at all times that he/she is to act towards the entire Community in a Christian manner and to operate in as inclusive a way as possible.

The qualifications for the office(s) of President and Vice President shall also include:

  • A track record of leadership and/or service in their own church.

The President-Elect shall be an officer of the Board and shall be elected to serve one year as President-Elect and two years as President. The President-Elect shall be elected at the Annual Meeting which is one year before the expiration of the term of the President, and at the expiration of that President’s term, the President-Elect shall become the new President and begin his/her two-year term as President. The President-Elect shall be responsible to attend meetings of the Board of Directors and to learn the duties of the President and the current state of the Community.

The Vice President shall generally assist the President and shall have such powers and perform such duties and services as shall from time to time be prescribed or delegated to such office by the President or the Board of Directors.  The Vice President shall coordinate the delegation to the National Assembly.

The qualifications for the office(s) of President and Vice President shall also include:

  • A track record of leadership and/or service in their own church.

The Secretary shall be an active member of the Kansas City Tres Dias Community in good standing who shall be willing to commit himself/herself to spend the time required to keep the records of the Community.  The Secretary shall see that notice is given of all annual and special meetings of the Board of Directors and shall keep and attest true records of all proceedings at all meetings of the Board.  The Secretary shall maintain a calendar of activities for the Board of Directors.  The Secretary shall have charge of the corporate seal and shall have authority to attest any and all instruments of writing to which the same may be affixed.  The Secretary shall keep and account for all books, documents, papers and records of the Community, except those for which some other officer or agent is properly accountable. The Secretary shall see that a copy of the Essentials of Tres Dias, a current copy of the Community Bylaws, and copies of the approved minutes of the previous (12) Board meetings are at each meeting of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall generally perform all duties usually appertaining to the office of Secretary of a corporation, In the absence or disability of the Secretary, the duties of such office shall be performed and the powers may be exercised by the Assistant Secretaries in the order of their seniority, unless otherwise determined by the Secretary, the President or the Board of Directors.  The Secretary shall handle correspondence as necessary for the Board of Directors; shall maintain the master Pescadore membership list, which will include the newsletter mailing list; shall record each Pescadore’s service experience; shall receive and record candidate applications; shall make these listings available to the other committees as needed; and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.

The Treasurer shall be an active member of the Kansas City Tres Dias Community in good standing who shall be willing to commit himself/herself to spend the time required to keep the records of the Community. He/she shall be an active member of his/her local church and shall have worked at least one Tres Dias weekend.   The Treasurer shall be the Chief Accounting and Financial Officer of the Community and shall have active control of and shall be responsible for all matters pertaining to the accounts and finances of the Community and shall direct the manner of certifying the same; shall maintain control of all Board budgets as approved by the Board of Directors; shall make recommendations for budget changes to the Board of Directors; shall make financial analyses of overall costs and revenues to develop recommendations to the Board regarding future planning; shall supervise the manner of keeping all vouchers for payments by the Board and all other documents relating to such payments; shall receive, audit and consolidate all operating and financial statements of the Board and its various departments; shall have supervision of the books of account of the Board, their arrangements and classification; shall supervise the accounting and auditing practices of the Board and shall have charge of all matters relating to taxation.

The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of all monies, funds and securities of the Community; shall deposit or cause to be deposited all such funds in and with such depositories as the Board of Directors shall from time to time direct or as shall be selected in accordance with procedures established by the Board; shall advise upon all terms of credit granted by the Board; shall be responsible for the collection of all its accounts and shall cause to be kept full and accurate accounts of all receipts, disbursements and contributions of the Board. The Treasurer shall have the power to endorse for deposit or collection or otherwise all checks, drafts, notes, bills of exchange or other commercial papers payable to the Board, and to give proper receipts or discharges for all payments to the Board.  The Treasurer shall make regular reports to the Board of the financial income and expenses of the Community.

The Treasurer shall generally perform all duties usually appertaining to the office of treasurer of a corporation.  In the absence or disability of the Treasurer, the duties of such office shall be performed and the powers may be exercised by the Assistant Treasurers in the order of their seniority, unless otherwise determined by the Treasurer, the President, or the Board of Directors.

The Pre-Weekend Committee shall have charge of organizing and presenting informational meetings to interested persons and groups; shall review applications of Weekend candidates, including the issuing of invitations on behalf of the Board to attend a specific Tres Dias Weekend; shall prepare and distribute the team and candidate Weekend list;  shall preside as Master of Ceremonies for the Send-Off Celebration;  and shall perform such duties as may from time to time be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.  If possible, this committee should be chaired by two persons – a married couple.

The Weekend Committee shall be responsible for scheduling Weekends; shall be responsible for matters pertaining to the physical assets and arrangements for the Weekend including the set-up and take-down teams; shall oversee long-term planning of Weekend activities; shall purchase and maintain an inventory of supplies; shall work with the Treasurer to prepare a report showing the revenues and costs of each Weekend;  and shall perform such duties as may from time to time be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors.  If possible, this committee should be chaired by two persons – a married couple.

The Fourth Day Committee shall coordinate the preparation of the Candidate Packet to be distributed at each Weekend closing;  shall schedule Secuelas and select the Fourth Day host couple;  shall handle arrangements with other Cursillo-type movements for Grand Ultreyas (Secuelas) and other similar gatherings;  shall prepare article(s) for the newsletter specifying details of upcoming Grand Ultreyas (Secuelas);  shall assist members in establishing or locating Reunion Groups;  shall prepare Fourth Day articles for the newsletter;  and shall perform such duties as may from time to time be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors.  If possible, this committee should be chaired by two persons – either a married couple or two single persons.

The Palanca Committee shall send general Palanca letters to the Weekends of other Tres Dias and Cursillo-oriented movements; shall request and receive general Palanca letters from other Tres Dias and Cursillo-oriented movements; shall prepare article(s) for the newsletter specifying upcoming Weekends of other Cursillo type movements;  shall maintain a record of banners for selection by Weekend Rectors;  shall see to the repair of these banners as required;  shall support the various Weekend Palanca Chas as needed;  and shall perform such duties as may from time to time be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors.  If possible, this committee should be chaired by two persons – a married couple.

The Media Committee shall design and maintain the official Kansas City Tres Dias Community website; shall ensure the name registration for the site is kept current and in the Community’s control and that hosting is done as inexpensively as possible by a reliable hosting company.  The Committee shall also ensure that all of the information on the site is kept up-to-date and that information which may be requested by the Board or which is required by these Bylaws is posted on the site in a timely fashion.  In addition, the Committee shall coordinate a regularly-scheduled newsletter containing information regarding the Kansas City Tres Dias Movement; shall coordinate the distribution of the newsletter and ensure its electronic mailing to the list of active Pescadore names as maintained in the corresponding Secretary’s newsletter mailing listing; shall be the Historian for the Community;  and shall perform such duties as may from time to time be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors.  This committee should be chaired by one person, either single or married.

The At-Large Members’ primary duty is to represent the Community at the International Tres Dias National Assembly.  It is expected that each At-Large Member will attend the meetings of the Board of Directors and will contribute to the general management of the Community and shall perform such duties as may from time to time be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors.  The At-Large Members shall be the current delegates to the International Tres Dias National Assembly. In addition to the At-Large Members elected by the Community, the past President of the Board shall serve for a term of two years as an At-Large Member, such term to begin as soon as his/her term of office as President of the Board ends.  The number of At-Large Members is not to exceed five (5).

The Community Spiritual Director shall be the primary liaison with the other clergy regarding matters related to the Weekend and Fourth Day activities; shall work with the Leaders and the Weekend Rectors to select Spiritual Directors for each up-coming Weekend; shall advise his successor in connection with the next scheduled set of Weekends; shall be the primary adviser and course of counsel and inspiration for the Community regarding spiritual direction.  The Community Spiritual Director shall serve as a non-voting member of the Board of Directors in an advisory capacity only.

The Community Spiritual Director shall be appointed by the President of the Board, subject to the approval of the Board, to serve for a term coincident with the President who appointed him/her or until his/her successor is appointed.  He/she shall have worked at least one Men’s and one Women’s weekend, been a Head Spiritual Director, showed a commitment to the Tres Dias movement and to the Kansas City Tres Dias Community, be active in ministry in his/her local church and be recognized by his/her denomination or church to celebrate Communion.  If possible, the Community Spiritual Director shall have worked at least (3) weekends, provided that the Board of Directors may make such exceptions to these requirements as it deems appropriate.