I love my reunion group, they really keep me grounded and I know I could go to them with anything.

I cannot stress the importance of a reunion group enough! Not only do they keep you on your 4th Day path, but a Bible study is also implemented within the group.

A couple of months agom my group decided to do a Beth Moore Bible study, A Woman’s Heart. Intitially, I saw it as just one more thing to add to my life. But as God would have it, the lessons started emerging and applying to my day-to-day life. Isn’t that just awesome how God works.

Since I have signed up to volunteer in North Texas for this upcoming November, I have received attacks in my walk. God must have something great planned because Satan is bringing the heat. But, that tells me I’m doing the right thing. If  I wasn’t, Satan wouldn’t bother.

Bad dreams have always been one of His “great” tools in my life and it is amazing to me how when the sun goes down, the attacks seem stronger. God knew what He was talking about when He called him the Prince of Darkness. But, when the sun comes up, I feel stronger.

In this Bible study, Beth Moore sums it up when she says, “Have you ever found it easier to be strong and full of faith in the clamor of the day than in the quiet of the night?” I will say, I am very guilty of making things appear worse in my mind. I over-process and over-analyze and it kicks my butt every time.

How easily I have forgotten that in Hebrews 13:5 God says He will never forsake (abandon) us. In this world, that is so hard to believe. We can’t even seem to wrap our heads around it. We believe it for awhile.Then everything else in the world abandons us at some point– teachers, family, friends.  It is hard to believe that there is someone out there that never will.

But God is.

Psalm 4:8 says:

In peace I will lie down and sleep,
for you alone, LORD,
make me dwell in safety.

(Don’t you just love David).  Such blind faith, but for a man who committed adultery, killed a man and lied, among other sins, God still loved him and never abandoned him.

How amazing is it that even after all of our letdowns, sins and bad ideas, God still keeps his promise.

How truly we are loved.