Hello, Kansas City Tres Dias community!

My name is James Everhart, I attended KCTD #6 where I sat at the table of Paul. I attend and serve at Real Church in Lenexa, Kansas with my wife Christy and our four amazing children – two boys and two girls.

Through Tres Dias I was able to experience God’s love in a way I didn’t know was possible. I DID NOT KNOW! My life, my marriage, and my relationship with my kids have been totally transformed and completely made new! God has dramatically transformed my relationship with my oldest son in such a way that we are now serving side by side in this community that is so dear to my heart. I am blessed and honored to be the Rector for KCTD #17 Men’s weekend.

Through deep prayer and preparation for this upcoming weekend, God has been downloading in my heart how His Son came into this world as a sacrifice for sin, not His own sins but the sins of the world. His blood was to be the ultimate and final sacrifice for sin. God sent His one and only Son for us. Being a father myself, it is so hard to imagine the pep talk you would give to your son who is to be crucified on a cross for things he did not do. Where do you begin such a talk? Then God tells Jesus, “Son, you have to forgive them.” I have an enormous multitude of emotions when I try to consider what and how you deliver this news to your son. This is what led me to my theme – Blood of the Lamb. Jesus is the King of the world. He created all things – nothing is made except through Him. He stepped into our grave to die for us.

The verse God gave me for this weekend is Hebrews 10:19 – “Therefore brothers and sisters we can boldly enter heaven’s most holy place because of the blood of Jesus Christ.”

He has made us a new creation. In His image, we are now righteous, blameless, spotless, and forgiven.

Jesus says “it is finished. I have overcome the world.”

God is showing me that there is no defeat. We now walk in victory with each and every step we take. We stand firm in our faith in Jesus Christ even when we walk through the valley; we are walking in the glory of the Lord. We walk from glory to glory and from mountain top to mountain top. We work for a king that cannot die. He is the immortal King of the ages!

I am praying that each of you come open-minded and willing to place ALL under the Blood of the Lamb!

As we enter into our 4th day, each and every one of us will say “THE RESURRECTED KING HAS RESURRECTED ME!”