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Shareholder FAQ

Shareholders Questions Answered

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Shareholder FAQ2019-02-27T12:11:27+00:00
How can I find a sponsor if I don’t know anyone who has been through a Tres Dias weekend?2019-11-27T00:53:51+00:00

If there’s no one in your church who has attended, you please contact us here and we will connect you with a sponsor.

What day/time should I arrive for the weekend?2019-11-27T00:20:26+00:00

The Men’s and Women’s weekends will always start Thursday and end Sunday evening. Plan on arriving at 6:00pm on Thursday and having your ride pick you up at 7:00pm on Sunday.

What should I bring?2019-11-27T00:28:40+00:00

Bed sheets and one towel will be provided for your weekend. If you plan on using more than one towel during your stay, bring another towel. Rooms may get cold during your stay, pack an extra blanket if you get cold while you sleep. Also, toiletries are not provided, so please bring your shampoo/conditioner and soap. For women, please bring your feminine products.

I have special dietary restrictions, can alternative meal substitutions be prepared for me?2019-11-27T00:29:30+00:00

Medically required dietary restrictions will be accommodated.  Any other dietary requests/preferences will be taken into consideration during the menu selection process.

If you have any medical dietary needs, please indicate so on your candidate form.

I have another event planning on the weekend. Can I come, leave the campground, then come back?2019-11-27T00:30:11+00:00

Kansas City Tres Dias is a sequestered event. This means that when you come, you have to stay for the entirety of the weekend. If this weekend does not work for your schedule, consider coming to our next set of weekends.

Since I will not have a phone, how will my family get a hold of me on the weekend?2019-11-27T00:36:00+00:00

We have designated emergency contacts on the weekend. On your registration confirmation letter, you will see a leave behind card at the bottom of your email that contains emergency contact information for the weekend. This is for your family members. If you did not receive an email when you registered to attend, email

For the men’s weekend, the emergency contact is Samantha Stultz – email: – phone: 913.238.7094
For the women’s weekend, the emergency contact is Wes Schlobohm – email: – phone: 816.564.3574

Contact Us

Phone: 816.916.4320

Fax: 913.378.6141

Web: Kansas City Tres Dias

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