Why I am involved in Tres Dias

As is the case with most people involved in full-time ministry, I am extremely busy. I have a lot of people making demands on my time.  Why, then, am I involved in Tres Dias?  Tres Dias ministered to me and touched me in areas that I’m passionate about.

I am passionate about Christ.  Christ is exalted and worshiped in beautiful ways on a weekend.  We are called to sellout to Christ, love, and follow Him.  Christ is exalted as His grace is abundantly, powerfully displayed.

I am passionate about the church, the body and bride of Christ.  The church, as well, is exalted and lifted up.  Tres Dias teaches us to love and support the local church.  We are challenged to go home, strengthen the church, and be effective church members faithfully serving Christ.

I am passionate about loving and serving pastors.  My job as Director of Missions for the Bledsoe Baptist Association involves me in ministry with and to 42 pastors and churches. As a pastor attending Tres Dias in Middle Tennessee, I felt incredibly affirmed and honored. I was ministered to in grace-filled ways through the unconditional love and servanthood of the servants on the weekend.  I want other pastors and pastor’s wives to experience that, too.

I am passionate about evangelism and discipleship.  Tres Dias participants are clearly taught to be channels of God’s grace in a hurting world.  We are challenged to faithfully and consistently share Christ.  We are taught to bring those we win to Christ into His church so they can grow and mature in Him.

Yes, I am busy. In many respects I do not have time for this ministry.  But because Tres Dias ignites my passions, I continue to be involved as often as God enables me.  I have seen people transformed on a Tres Dias Weekend. Transformation . . . yes, that’s one of my passions, too.


Grace and Peace to you,


Mike Pennington