There was a Garden long ago. Where we walked and talked with God. When we hung out in the cool of the evening with each other and our Father. We had an up-close personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe.

Then… something happened. A little transgression here, a little transgression there and it’s been downhill ever since. Except for one event; a very special, glorious event; an event so important that we’ve even divided our calendar around it. God came back.

He sent his Son who showed us a new way to be; a way to have real relationships again, both with him and with each other. In the culmination of his visit, God shoved a stake in the ground and, in effect, said, “No more! From this day forth, my relationship with my people is restored!” Jesus declared, “It is finished.”

…and then the war began…

The minions of evil one took notice and said, “Not so fast! We will fight you every step of the way.”

So, in the world in which we live, the battle is joined, and the hearts of men are in peril. However, the fight is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers of the dark world — the father of lies.

It is his lies, sin crouching at the door, and the deceitful nature of our hearts that have infiltrated the camp! In the fog of war and our very midst, it has become so confusing; who is right and who is wrong? We end up shooting at each other instead of loving and caring for each other when we are attacked by the true enemy.

I invite you to join us for this weekend where we will endeavor to embrace our Father, our Brother, our brothers. To surrender all the claptrap in our lives and our Christianity that means absolutely NOTHING. Give it up; drop it on the floor. Then, with empty and open hands, reach out to those who are desperate to live again (or at all). To have their hearts turned from stone into flesh. What transformation! What miracles!

And, just so you know who the desperate are, the church boys and the lost boys are equally needy. We’re all in this together.

Then, to the god of this world and his demons, we face them together and say, “we are in OPEN REBELLION against the world you rule!”


Stuart Elliott – KCTD #16 Men’s Rector

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