Guest Blogger – Chelsea Gaddis

In the movie “Limitless” it is said that humans really only access 20% of our brain and the other 80% isn’t used. We notice things around us but don’t REALLY notice and store the information into the memory that we use all the time. So in the movie there is this crazy pill that allows the drug user to access all 100% of their brain.

As I am watching the movie, I keep having this revelation of the Kingdom of God and how our Papa God works. When you think about the average Christian you think of someone who goes to church on Sundays and Wednesdays, sings in the choir, pays their tithes the majority of the time, lifts their hands, and goes through the motions. But I just wonder, of all that Jesus has to offer us, what we ACTUALLY use. I bet we only use 5% of what the Lord has made available to us. IF that. The Lord has so much to give us but we are too stubborn, prideful, and scared to fully encounter His fullness and freedom that He has given us.

In John 1:50 the Lord says, “You will see greater things than these.” We will see greater things that what Jesus saw, because the same Spirit that rose Christ from the dead lives inside each and every one of us.

So Christians, let’s tap into the what Jesus has to offer. Let’s embrace His kingdom. Let’s bring heaven to earth, because that is what HE wants. Let’s see healings, signs, and wonders. let’s embrace the reality of a higher Kingdom!